Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Occurence at Owl Creek Bridge Essay - 1115 Words

Out of all the stories I have read in class so far, An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce, has touched me most. When I first began reading the story I felt as though I was not interested, because my assumptions of what the story was going to be about were completely different than the stories actual content. As I set aside my judgment and let myself try to enjoy the story, I found myself anxiously reading to the bitter end. This story was not only interesting and unique, but also had an added twist at the end, which surprised most readers. Depending on how observant the reader is with picking up on foreshadowing and symbolic meaning, one may realize before the final sentences that Peyton Farquar was not actually escaping†¦show more content†¦While this section is not necessarily a crucial part of the story, it does help build Peyton’s character as well as the overall character of the story. The third part of this story focuses attention back to the scene at the bridge, where the authors deceiving words make the reader think Peyton has escaped from the rope and now desperately fights his way home to the loving arms of his wife again. As I said before this part of the story continues on a systematic path, describing every little detail occurring from Peyton’s point of view up until the last seconds before his death. The main theme of this story, dying, opened my eyes to a view I had never thought about before. The author presents an in-depth narrative into the mind and thoughts of someone who is in the process of his last minutes of life. This could also be characterized by going through some of the five stages of dying: Denial, Anger, Depression, and Acceptance. An example of Denial would be when Peyton says, quot;If I could free my hands,quot; he thought, quot;I might throw off the noose and spring into the stream. By diving I could evade the bullets and, swimming vigorously, reach the bank, take to the woods and get away home. My home, thank God, is as yet outside their lines; my wife and little ones are still beyond the invaders farthest advance.quot; Peyton shows signs of denial in this segment by presenting the possibility of escapingShow MoreRelatedAn Occurence at Owl Creek Bridge and The Necklace1378 Words   |  5 Pagesunconscious egos like desires and believes are often the most impo rtant factors to affect their behaviors and cause the consequential narrative events happen. 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